Personal Injury & Wrongful Death

Automobile and Trucking Accidents

Representing people who have been injured and their loved ones in all forms of vehicle accidents.

Class Actions

Representing groups of people who have been injured or harmed in some way.

Environmental Lawsuits

Representing people who have been injured or harmed by environmental catastrophes, disasters, and pollution.  

Mass Torts

Representing groups of people who have been injured or harmed in some way by the negligence or wrongful conduct of others.

Medical Malpractice

Representing people and their loved ones in cases involving serious medical mistakes.


Product Liability

Representing people who have been injured or harmed by a company’s product.

Property Damage

Representing people whose property has been wrongfully damaged.

Workplace Injuries

Representing people who have suffered serious injuries in their workplace.

Benjamin B. Ware

Contact Ben to discuss your claim |

There is zero fee to discuss your case, and you only pay legal fees in the event that we obtain a recovery for you.